
ECHA Membership Types

There are currently three ECHA membership levels:

Individual (Full) membership, 60 EUR/year.

Student membership, 30 EUR/year.

Corporate membership, 130 EUR/year.

You can pay your membership fee through PayPal, Card Payment, or online Bank Transfer.

All members receive:
⮚ a free hard copy of two issues of High Ability Studies
( mailed to your address – note that this is not included in student membership, but can be obtained for students by paying a nominal fee of 27 EUR;
⮚ a free copy of the Spring and Autumn issues of ECHA News sent your email address as a pdf file + the occasional special issues;
⮚ regular news on gifted education emailed directly to you;
⮚ access to the intranet site of ECHA containing documents (e.g. memos of meetings, reports, etc.) and other information for members only;
⮚ participation in the everyday life of ECHA etc;
⮚ last but not least a significant discount at the registration of the ECHA Conferences (Corporate Members receive TWO discounts)

You can register for ECHA here.