
Current Members Login

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ECHA’s growing community ECHA had members from 43 countries representing all continents.

What are the benefits of ECHA membership?
⮚ a free hard copy of two issues of High Ability Studies
( mailed to your address – note that this is not included in student membership, but can be obtained for students by paying a nominal fee of 27 EUR;
⮚ a free copy of the Spring and Autumn issues of ECHA News sent your email address as a pdf file + the occasional special issues;
⮚ regular news on gifted education emailed directly to you;
⮚ access to the intranet site of ECHA containing documents (e.g. memos of meetings, reports, etc.) and other information for members only;
⮚ participation in the everyday life of ECHA etc;
⮚ last but not least a significant discount at the registration of the ECHA Conferences.

Individual (Full) membership costs 60 EUR/year.

Student membership costs 30 EUR/year and High Ability Studies may be ordered at the additional nominal price of 27 EUR.

Corporate membership costs 130 EUR and offers 2 discounted registrations to the ECHA Conferences.

After you Register online for ECHA membership, you can pay your membership fee through PayPal, Card Payment, or online Bank Transfer.

We look forward to welcoming you to our ECHA family!