ECHA Training

ECHA-training may lead to an ECHA Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (CAS); ECHA Diploma of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (DAS) or ECHA Master of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (MAS) as detailed in the ECHA Training Guidelines document downloadable from here.

ECHA training joins the disciplines psychology, pedagogy and educational science. Aim of the training is to enlarge knowledge in the area of recognizing and supporting gifted children and adolescents. The training has a scientific base but is geared to practical situations, in and outside school. This means that, working with concrete, practical educational situations, we will always use scientific methods of research, description and evaluation. During the course practice will be proved, based on scientific theories about the subject. After this training, participants have knowledge about scientific developments in the area of giftedness and gifted education. They have knowledge about international theories for assessment and counseling concerning giftedness, are able to relate practice with (inter)national theories and judge new projects and developments, based on thorough theoretical knowledge. They also will be familiar with many (inter)national examples of good practice in assessment, counseling and therapy, in and outside school. Finally, participants will be part of a (inter)national network of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education.

Applications for ECHA qualification of trainings issuing ECHA Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (CAS); ECHA Diploma of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (DAS) or ECHA Master of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education (MAS) can be submitted using the Application Form downloadable from here sending the filled form to the email address of as described in the guidelines. The application process is continuous. However, diplomas issued at trainings starting after 1st September 2019 may use the trademarked name and logo of ECHA only, if the training was qualified by the ECHA Education Board before. Those, whose university is interested in qualifying a currently running ECHA Training, plan to start a new one, or have any other questions should write to Ulrike Kempter at

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