ECHA as a Public Organisation

Institution name:

(As mentioned in ECHA’s Articles)

European Council for High Ability — Its Study and Development (abbreviated as: ECHA)

RSIN (Legal Entities & Partnerships Identification Number):

40146782 (The Netherlands)

Fiscal identification number of ECHA as charity

organization registered in The Netherlands:

8260 97 741

Visiting address and mail address: 

c/o Colm O’Reilly, Secretary of ECHA, Cente for Talented Youth, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland

The policy plan of ECHA: 

Please download the policy plan from HERE.

The purpose of ECHA:

See here ( and the summary below.

ECHA is organizing its annual conference each year (as a thematic conference each odd year and as an international conference each even year), publishing its semi-annual ECHA News magazine for its members, publishing its scientific journal, High Ability Studies ( by the help of Taylor & Francis, as well as qualifies ECHA Trainings ( ) and European Talent Centres

ECHA National Correspondents ( ) and the European Talent Support Network ( help the networking of ECHA.

The position of the directors as listed in the Articles of ECHA: 

President, vice-president, secretary and treasurer forming together the Executive Committee.

The names of the directors: 

See here ( )

The payment policy: 

There is no renumeration for the board, the management of the organization works on a voluntary basis. ECHA does not employ any personnel.

Activities Report: 

See here ( )

Financial statement:

See here