I. Aim and scope of this Policy
1. This Data Protection Policy (in the followings: Policy) was prepared according to the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (GDPR). The Policy, effective from 15 May 2018, is published on http://echa.info, and its scope is unlimited. ECHA members registered at http://echa.info are informed about the Policy, and it is compulsory for all members to accept it before registration.
2. Data management starts when members register to become a member of ECHA and lasts until they membership will expire (usually one year).
II. Data management
3. Recorded and managed data of ECHA membership are the following: full name, an e-mail address, mailing address. Recorded email addresses are used for a.) contacting the members via e-mail sending ECHA’s semi-annual newsletter and special announcements on e.g. ECHA elections and other key issues related to ECHA membership; recorded mailing addresses are used to send the annually two hard copies of ECHA’s scientific journal, High Ability Studies. ECHA members declare that they reached the legal age by registering.
4. Data are not transferred anywhere by ECHA except for compulsory cases defined by the law.
5. Data management is done by the Secretary of ECHA, Colm O’Reilly (hereinafter ’data manager’). His contacts are the following: secretariat@echa.info (postal address: Centre for Talented Youth, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland).
III. Rights of registered members
6. Registered members may have an information on their own data upon request. Only the eight members of the ECHA General Committee (http://echa.info/committee) have an access to the data besides the data manager.
7. Registered members may ask for information about their data’s management via the above e-mail address and may ask for correction of their data about which the data manager informs the members via e-mail within 30 days.
8. Registered members may object to the management of their data conflicting the Policy, via the above e-mail address. The data manager answers the objection via e-mail within 15 days. In case a user does not agree with the decision, according to the data protection law she/he may turn to the XXX Court (web-site access) within 30 days she/he was informed about it.