International ECHA Conferences were and remain biannual summits in the last more than three decades. Every two years, the International ECHA conference brings together scientists and practitioners who are dedicated to the field of gifted education and talent support. On one hand, organizing an International ECHA Conference is a time-consuming and exhausting task. On the other hand, it is a rewarding, enriching and satisfying mission, which gives the possibility to you, the Organizer team, to show the world that your country and your organization stand up for the highly able people of all ages, and gives many long-term benefits. The General Committee of ECHA invites organizations involved in gifted education and/or care of highly able young people in Europe to submit their application to organize the 19th International ECHA Conference in September 2024. The Guidelines for an ECHA Conference can be downloaded from HERE (ECHA International Conference guidelines).
You should submit your application using the Application Form downloadable from HERE (ECHA International Conference proposal 2024) before the 30th of January 2022 by email to ECHA Admin <>. The ECHA General Committee will then discuss the proposals, inform applicants about each other’s proposal, and the opinion of the General Committee about the proposals. Applicants will be able to withdraw or modify their application until March 30th . The General Committee will announce the time, organizer and venue of the 19th International ECHA Conference to the applicants and at the ECHA website by 30th April 2022. We look forward to receiving your proposal!