-Call for Papers-

7th Bildungskongress in Muenster

together with the annual LemaS – Conference

22.-25. September 2021

Identifying Potential – Developing Talents – 

Sustainable Education


The conference aims to connect research approaches from the fields of gifted education and gifted support with sustainability (SDGs) and the related aspect of social responsibility. A central concern are the global challenges of the 21st century (e.g. global climate and world health) and the question, how individualized talent support can prepare pupils of a new generation to meet these challenges in a dedicated, creative and constructive way. Based on these central questions, the conference, on the one hand, aims to ascertain, how the achievement-related potential of children and adolescents can optimally develop on a long-term basis and, on the other hand, how their talents can be integrated with regard to the role of civil society in shaping a sustainable future, in terms of ecology, society, economy, culture, politics, globalization and digitalization. In this context, also the function of states, or, more specifically, of educational policies (e.g. future teacher training, curriculum design and teaching methods for sustainable education) are to be discussed.

We are seeking submissions related to the following fields:

  • Current research on gifted education and talent support
  • Diagnosis-oriented and potential-oriented support 
  • Challenging learning environments 
  • 21st century competencies 
  • Addressing sustainability and other topics of global relevance in the classroom 
  • Onsite and Distance Learning

Overarching question: What can educational policy contribute to a positive development in the above listed fields?  

Submission deadline: 17 January, 2021.

A detailed call with more information on the submission procedure can be found here: https://icbfkongress.de/images/Call_for_Papers_en.pdf Contact: icbfkongress@uni-muenster.de