13th International ECHA Conference, Münster, 12-15 Sep 2012

The 13th International Conference with the topic “Giftedness Across the Lifespan” took place from 12 to 15 September 2012 in Münster, Germany, and ran simultaneously with the 4th Münsterscher Bildungskongress with the topic “Begabungsförderung von der frühen Kindheit bis ins Alter” (Talent promotion from the early childhood to seniority).

Münster, as a university and hanseatic town, ranks among the most beautiful and deeply steeped in tradition congress locations throughout Germany. The University of Münster with its historic castle offered a superb setting right in the city centre.

logo Munster 2012
Castle of Münster

Keynote speakers were Prof. Dr. Nicholas Colangelo (USA), Prof. Dr. Margrit Stamm (Schweiz), Prof. Dr. David Henry Feldman (USA), Prof. Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli (USA), Prof. Dr. Péter Csermely (Hungary), Prof. Dr. Rena Subotnik (USA), Prof. Dr. Kirsi Tirri (Finland) and Prof. Dr. Heidrun Stöger (Deutschland).

giftedness across the lifespan
Growing trees:
logo of the conference topic
“Giftedness Across the Lifespan”

A striking number of approximately 1,100 delegates from 43 different countries from five continents came together in Münster for both conferences; scientists as well as other representatives from various ministries, school administrators and managers and those responsible for teacher training and further education were part of the conference. In addition, numerous dedicated teachers and educational staff of day care centres and kindergartens, (learning) therapists and therapists, psychologists, and interested parents participated enthusiastically.

In Münster Péter Csermely was elected President of ECHA and took over from Kirsi Tirri.

Audience at ECHA 12 Opening
Audience at the opening of Münster 2012

“Very memorable has been the dimension of the conference. The heterogeneous composition of the delegates highlighted the different perspectives: approximately 1,100 delegates from 43 different countries from five continents. On top of that more than 500 presentations – from the keynote speeches to poster presentations – resulted in an extensive and diversified program. Consequently this ECHA Conference took international dimensions comparable to the WCGTC conferences. Moreover, the 13th International ECHA Conference “Giftedness Across the Lifespan” was a real success. The exceptional evaluation of the conference organisation and the rating of the programme by the participants underline this impression. The city of Münster awarded this conference with the “Kongresspreis 2012” (conference award 2012) for the first time.”
(Christian Fischer)

“The team of Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer was honoured with the “Conference Award by the City of Münster” for hosting the 13th International ECHA Conference. (…) As the conference was attended by 1100 participants from 43 countries of all 5 continents, Münsters Conference Initiative expressed their gratitude by rewarding the conference team for hosting an excellence conference and therefore promoting the city internationally.”
(ICBF Münster)

award granted Münster
13th International ECHA Conference honoured with the conference award;
f.L.t.R. Fischer-Ontrup, Vormann, Lewe, Fischer, Gardemann – Picture by ICBF

Javier Tourón has shared an interesting report on his website:

“This week, in 2012, we are in Münster. (…) The program is very interesting, as it always is. It is a scientific conference, but ideas and work are available for those who aren’t specialized in science. (…)

Symposium social media

In this picture you can find the composition of the symposium I am participating in. I have to tell you you can participate through Twitter Live, in line with the theme of the symposium. (…) In this link you will have access to the program and presentations of the people participating in this symposium: https://giftedphoenix.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/contributions-to-the-echa-conference-symposium-on-social-media-and-gifted-education/”
(Javier Tourón’s webpage)

It was wonderful to see how people did actually use Twitter Live to participate in this symposium on Social media and giftedness!

Jo Freitag twitter
(Jo Freitag, picture from https://giftedresources.wordpress.com/tag/albert-ziegler/)

A video report of this conference by The Global Center for Gifted and Talented Children is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNWBYFqfY68&feature=youtu.be

And a video-announcement by Bildung und Begabung is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY9sOSonPoY

flyer munster 2012 1
Flyer Münster