Welcome to ECHA’s Website
The European Council for High Ability (ECHA) aims to advance the study and development of potential excellence in people.
The major goal of ECHA is to act as a communications network to promote the exchange of information among people interested in high ability – educators, researchers, psychologists, parents and the highly able themselves.
Latest News Posts
- Call to organize the 20th International ECHA Conference in 2026
- Joan Freeman – In Memoriam
- Call for Papers: Special Issue of Gifted Child Quarterly
Upcoming ECHA Conferences
19th ECHA Conference 2024
The Center for Talented Youth-CTY Greece at Anatolia College is honored and excited to host the 19th ECHA Conference in the beautiful city of Thessaloniki on the 28th till the 31st of August, 2024. Come visit this vibrant city standing on the crossroads of West and East and experience its rich history, warm hospitality, and exquisite cuisine. The ECHA Conference is a meeting point for psychologists, researchers, and educators, an event where ideas, experiences and knowledge is going to be shared.
The ECHA Conference title “Expanding Horizons – The Odyssey of Talents and Gifts” and its corresponding logo are based on a concept inspired by Homer’s epic poem of the Odyssey, and portray the journey of talented and gifted students, the challenges they need to overcome until they reach their full potential and the support they need to find on their way so as to arrive at their “Ithaca”. CTY Greece is where like-minded learners expand their academic horizons and enthusiastic educators are trained to inspire and support them.